Sunday, October 12, 2008

Equal Pay and other fun reading...

(Originally Posted on Sunday, Sep 21, 2008, 05:12 PM)

My favorite articles today:
Lilly Ledbetter and that darn "equal pay" issue...
One of the comments on the above article led me to another that I'd been trying to find again, which
you can read here. I'll attempt to verify this information for myself, of course, but in the meanwhile, I will giggle myself into Conservative rapture (is that an oxymoron?) over these particular passages:
"Obama's commitment to federally mandated pay equity stretches from the Rockies to Wall Street and beyond. And yet it seems to have eluded his Senate office. Compensation figures for his legislative staff reveal that Obama pays women just 83 cents for every dollar his men make."
"On average ... women in John McCain's office make $1.04 for every dollar a man makes. In fact, all other things being equal, a typical female staffer could earn 21 cents more per dollar paid to her male counterpart -- while adding $10,726 to her annual income -- by leaving Barack Obama's office and going to work for John McCain."
"Among Obama's five best-paid advisors, only one was a woman. Among his top 20, seven were women."
"Among {McCain's} top-five best-compensated staffers, three are women. Of his 20-highest-salaried employees, 13 are women. The Republican presidential nominee relies on women -- much more than men -- for advice at the highest, and thus, best-paid levels."
Robin Williams was on David Letterman - goof on goof. Sorry, Robin, not nearly as funny as SNL's Palin/Clinton parody last weekend. Since the threat of BO & whats-his-name isn't funny either, perhaps you should get a job advising him. It won't improve his humor, but it probably pays better than your stints in rehab.
While I am not as offended by these two videos as some other right-leaners & -wingers, I am deeply insulted by the last item on this article ("
NAUGHTY..."). What bothers me about the actions of these unnamed folks is the questionable legality of using another person's name when making a donation to a cause that is strife with emotional and political land mines. Seriously, Libs, this isn't like the $20 you sent to the Cancer Society in lieu of sending flowers to Dave Matthews when his father passed away. Furthermore, I find it hypocritical at best to make such a suggestion anonymously - what, you can't admit how delightfully underhanded and liberally immoral you are?? Cowardly.
And one last one, although I'm not linking to it because her opinion is such fluff, I probably couldn't get the link to stick to the webpage:
Pamela, darling, sweetie, I know it must be hard carrying those melons around. I know it sucks that PETA wants you to get rid of your total-ly awesome-ly cool-ly snuggle-ly Uggs made of sheep skin and fur, which is like, total-ly unfair. I know, shh, shh, its okay, no one does amoral better than you, really. But since you "can't stand" Sarah Palin and believe she can "suck it", I kindly suggest you remain up there in Toronto until after the election. I'm just looking out for you, Pammie, I don't want you to suffer the media frenzy. Oh wait - you can't escape it even in other countries, can you? That mean media, torturing you like this! They really suck it, huh?

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