Sunday, October 12, 2008

Bear with me folks - I got a wild hair about a Feminazi...

(Originally Posted on Thursday, Oct 9, 2008, 08:22 PM)

So from what I can tell, it all started with this moronic and lame excuse for a "Feminist." No, I didn't read the whole thing, I grazed it. Why? Because I cannot stand having anti-Feminist, anti-American b.s. spewed at me, so when I can at all prevent such from occurring, you can bet I do.
From there, it grew to links, comments and generalized indignation
here (where I originally found it) and here (which is where I chose to add the following comment:).

(Old Sign-In Name Here) Says: 8:19 pm
Ms. Fiano,
I am a Feminist. I am also a Conservative.That said, my mother (And grandmother. And, come to think of it, all my male relatives as well) taught me to earn my own as a person, with my gender having nothing to do with my capacity for success. My mother is, by the way, a “first wave Feminist.”It is my opinion that women such as Ms. Granju have been raised by “Steinem Feminists.” This means that she is operating under the delusion that she is owed preferential treatment and special rights because of her gender, and that men OWE her, and furthermore, a man should be punished if he refuses to give her what she {believes} he owes her.

I find Mr. Limbaugh’s reference to N.O.W. as “N.A.G.s” amusing. I’m not partial to taking personally the slanted, sexual remarks of my predominately male colleagues. I don’t think it is a negative reflection on my gender when a man cuts me off in traffic, holds a door open for me, flirts with me, or offers to pay for dinner on a date.
Ms. Granju, in my opinion, would sue Mr. Limbaugh, her male colleagues (for remarks and also for daring to make more money than her - the cheeky {bastards}!), and any other male-gendered person she felt oppressed her right to preferential treatment and favors, if only she could find a court in all the land that wouldn’t look at her like she was (obviously) off her rocker. A look that would, of course, serve only to perpetuate her grandiose self-image as a Breasted American to Whom All Others are Obligated and reinforce her self-righteousness.
The point of the Feminist Movement was supposed to be about giving American women a voice, a right to choose (please don’t simplify that remark to being about abortion, it is meant far more {universally} than that), and recognition for the choices and successes and accomplishments we achieve as individuals.You and I, and every woman of our generation, benefit directly from the Feminist Movement and the “first wave Feminists.” Even Evil Steinem the Harpy for showing how it ISN’T done. They paved the way for us, even if the pavement is still rocky and a bit off course occasionally. And our obligation to them is this: be successful at whatever you choose to do; don’t blame men (or other women, for that matter) for your failures or your achievements; and educate these self-loathing, self-righteous, delusional failures of Feminism.
Thank you ever so much for holding Ms. Grandju accountable for her failure as a Feminist. Let’s hope that someday, she understands that Governor Palin, and so many other American women, are true Feminists. We get it, you see. No one OWES us anything - we have the right to earn it ourselves.

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